Pinterest Porn

Hey there Reader,

I don't have much to say this week, as its been hectic moving into the summer and making headway on the downstairs. It has been a year since I have really felt like I could call myself a true "maker." Sure I have done a lot of house stuff, I have made some soaps and bath bombs, but not having my dedicated craft space has made it tough to try newer and more complex projects.

I don't know if you have ever had this experience where you can't do stuff you like doing. The irony that I can't make things because I have too much to make is not lost on me. I have big plans and lots of things I want to be doing, but with the wall work taking up all of my time, it seems silly to start a new project. Especially because any time working on that project is time I could instead be using to finish up walls. Weirdly, I feel guilty if I work on something else besides the walls.

I love Pinterest. It is a great website that my mom actually owns stock in now. She can roll up to a board meeting and comment on the specific shade of red they use. She doesn't, but she could. I do feel like Pinterest isn't quite being used for what it was originally intended for. To me, Pinterest was supposed to help generate ideas for future craft projects. Most people just use it as Craft Porn, with no real plan to actually make the things they are pinning. I, however, fully plan to make the things on my Pinterest boards.

arcadekast-steigerhout-project-wood-maartenPolycade X Vewlix build - Album on ImgurI want to highlight some of those things for this post. It will be like the crafting equivalent of blue balls. First, I want to build and arcade cabinet. This rustic cabinet is beautiful and would look great in a bunch of different spaces. I don't think I have space to build a cabinet this big - so I want to combine that build with this one that can be mounted to the wall. I am not quite sure where I want to put this yet, but I know that I want to build arcade cabinets and that I like the rustic look. That being said, the guys over at I Like To Make Stuff have awesome tutorials I am sure I am going to borrow from heavily.

 I know my puppetry has fallen a bit over the past year, but I still really want to make my rainbow puppets. This guy knows what is up. I have only really made one and its the puppet Blue. However, I am not 100% satisfied with his coloring. Check out how vibrant these puppets are. I need to figure out how to proceed with my puppets. I prefer to use fur because I don't love a naked felt/fleece puppet, but I am worried about getting access to the fur I need in bright vibrant colors without spending a fortune.

Crash Puppet ImageIn the same idea, I thought maybe I could get away with doing a fleece puppet and add fur as an accent. Kind like this little dude. I am totally in love with his hairline and I haven't really tried to make something like that yet. If I did colored fleece and matching hair, I could accomplish some of my goal, plus build in a good amount of variety in the puppets for my rainbow project. I really need to find a better fun fur vendor - that really is the point of all this. I have talked about it a few times on some puppet groups I am a part of. There are good ones out there, but I am wary of ordering fur online. I think I just need to get over that.

That is my Pinterest Porn for the week. Even if you don't "keep making cool stuff," spend some time on Pinterest and see what you can find!

Until next time,


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