New House Series: Downstairs Pt 1


I am finally starting to work on the downstairs! I didn't think this day would ever come and yet here we are. In case you haven't been keeping track the way  I have, I just bought my 11th bucket of joint compound. At 4 gallons a bucket, I have used approximately 44 gallons of joint compound to smooth my upstairs walls. I am sure I won't need 44 gallons for downstairs, there is a lot less surface area to worry about. It is so weird to think that there is going to be over 44 gallons of plaster on my walls. My square footage must have gone down. Also, at $15 dollars a bucket we are talking $165 - a far cry from the quote of $10,000 from the contractor! Even assuming it was $5,000 for just the upstairs.

Lets not focus on upstairs because now we are downstairs. I have only done one coat across all the walls and team, it is so much easier. I have been struggling with the stairwell and hallway for so long, this feels like a cakewalk. I can whip around the room pretty fast AND I can watch tv while I do it.

I haven't started the ceiling yet because I want to enjoy the easy work as long as I can. For now, just check out the walls as they start to get smooth! I am so happy to be making progress and it is starting to actually feel real. I have been putting off sanding upstairs, preferring to make more evident progress here. I might even be able to call this project done before I hit a year in this house. The deadline is coming up in August!

Soon it will be time to get new furniture and transform these spaces from big smooth boxes to actual rooms! Cannot wait!

The one challenge downstairs is the cabinetry. The crown molding can't be removed easily so I am working around it. It is kind of a pain, but it does take up a lot of wall space so I am telling myself it is just less to smooth!

Anyway, I better stop writing about working on it and start actually doing it!

Keep making cool stuff,
Until next time,


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